Streamline product catalog management

Catalog Builder uses generative AI to boost product data quality and catalog appeal, eliminate repetitive editorial tasks, and improve the product discovery experience.

<img src="/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/logo-catalog-builder-web-white.png" width="400px">Streamline product catalog management

Benefits for your

Icon: Lower catalog production costs
Lower catalog
production costs

Catalog Builder uses AI to automate and accelerate time-consuming tasks like image data extraction, tagging, content production, and editing.

Icon: Faster time-to-market

Cut the lag time to bring new product items to e-commerce stores, by streamlining digital catalog creation workflows and speeding up the distribution process.

Icon: Improved e-commerce catalog quality
Improved e-commerce
catalog quality

Catalog Builder automatically composes high-quality digital catalogs, by merging granular product data enrichment with AI-generated image tags and descriptions.

Icon: Better product discoverability
Better product

Thanks to more accurate product tagging and more detailed descriptions, your customers will find and compare the products they are looking for more easily.

Icon: A single workflow for all catalog data
A single workflow
for all catalog data

Catalog Builder integrates DAM assets, PIM data, enrichment functions, editorial controls, and data distribution to e-commerce platforms.

Main Features

How Catalog Builder can actually help you
power up your fashion e-commerce

Accelerating content creation
for new product listings

Optimizing product discovery
on e-commerce platforms

Generating multi-language content
for international markets

Identifying and correcting
inconsistencies in product data

Enhancing workflow and prioritization
in content editing

Do you want to know more about Catalog Builder?
Download our product brochure!

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